To learn from Qāri Mubashir directly with the best advice, methods, strategies, stories, and tools to help you study, memorise, review, and teach the Qur’ān with true connection, love, and excellence.
Exclusive to Hifz Camp
You can meet other people across the world memorising the Qur’ānConnect with buddies who are on the same path as youConnect with teachers who understand youRecite and record your Hifz whenever you can and get direct personalised feedbackAccess courses on Qur’ān recitation, Tajweed, MaqāmātAccess courses expanding on everything memorisation and revision, Arabic and Tafseer!Access workshops and memory training with Qāri MubashirJoin monthly live sessions with Qāri Mubashir
in-person retreats or online Hifz intensives where you can take out time just to focus on memorising Qur’an and achieving your goals
in-person or online events where you’ll have the opportunity to learn more about memorising the Qur’an and have your questions answered
Community members will
receive prizes and rewards for Hifz consistency and participation.