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Join the "Casual Monks" Tribe

Welcome to "Casual Monks Tribe" - an exclusive tribe for people who celebrate their freedom through travel! Before joining our community, we conduct a unique "vibe check" to ensure we maintain a close-knit group of like-minded individuals who share a genuine passion for exploration and adventure.
Our vibe check is not about passing or failing; it's simply a way for us to connect with individuals who align with our community's values and create a welcoming environment for everyone involved.

1. Name

2. Gender

2. Gender

3. Age?

4. Please share your email below?

5. Please share your Instagram handle.

6. Do share your Linkedin profile link. ( while this is not compulsory to share it highly increases your chances of selection).

7. Please enter your Whatsapp Number.

8. Please share your city.

9.Your occupation?

10. What best describes your compensation? This is for internal usage purposes. Promise there is no dynamic pricing :D

10. What best describes your compensation? This is for internal usage purposes. Promise there is no dynamic pricing :D
Below you will find 4 subjective situational questions. We'd appreciate if you could be a bit descriptive in your answers. Please take a little bit of time in filling up these questions and don't give one word answers. Also please avoid AI based answers. We like genuine heartfelt answers , Aap hinglish mai bhi likh sakte ho jawab.
We love to have Humans on the trip and not chatbots :)

11. What is the one thing others may often misunderstand about you and why? ( Please do not write "nothing at all" - these answers get rejected )

12. What is one type of comment which you will never make to another person? (Please give specific example rather vague answers)

13. What qualities do you think you have that might make someone dislike you? You can be truthful, we know everybody cannot be universally liked.
FYI - Answers like "I have no such qualities" / "Nothing at all" get rejected

14. Why do you want to be a part of a tribe where you will not know anyone when you can always go on solo trips and trips with friends?