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Hello! 你好! ¡Hola! नमस्ते! Bonjour! Olá! !مرحبا 👋🏿👋🏻👋🏼👋🏾👋🏽👋

Thank you for your interest in Noodle!
Noodle is a Telegram-based global community which exists to connect people working anywhere in the gender journalism ecosystem and to share resources and best practice.
As a community, we understand gender journalism to be stories by women (so think: representation of women and gender non-conforming people in the media industry), stories about women, and stories about patriarchy. More and better can be done in all of these areas the world over. If you are a journalist, editor, platform owner, media trainer, content creator, funder or investor, and you care about any of the above, you’re welcome to noodle for solutions with us!
Please note: Our aim is to build a community that reflects the world around us. As such, Noodle has adopted a “Third World, first” approach and is prioritising new members from across the Global South and underrepresented parts of the Global North.
To join, fill out the form below.
Which country do you come from?
Which country do you work in?
Email (We'll send the group link to this address. Your contact information will not be shared)
Noodle is a community and communities are only as strong as each member, so tell us a bit about why you’d like to join and what you hope to bring into the space.
What are you looking for? (Please rank in order of importance)
What are you looking for?
How did you hear about Noodle?
Have questions? Send them to [email protected]