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I'll build it

I'm Raymond, the founder of wisp, and I'm on a mission to make blog integration a breeze for startups. Recently, I took on the challenge of personally integrating wisp into Learning Loop's website, and the experience was eye-opening. It taught me so much about the hurdles you face and the improvements we need to make.
Now, I'm taking this experiment to the next level. I'm offering to personally build and integrate a blog into your website, completely free of charge (well, almost - you just need to purchase any paid plan for wisp).
Why am I doing this?
It's simple: I want to learn from you, understand the challenges of integrating with various technologies, and help you overcome decision paralysis. Plus, it's a fantastic opportunity for me to improve wisp based on real-world scenarios.
I'm taking on these projects on a rolling basis, so if you're interested, fill out the form below.
Tell me about your website, your tech stack, and what you're hoping to achieve with your blog. Let's work together to get your content out there and make wisp even better in the process. Looking forward to building with you!

What's your website URL?

Your name

Your role

Best way to contact you (LinkedIn/Email/Telegram/etc)

What do you hope to achieve with your blog?

Do you already have existing content you would like to start the blog with

Do you already have existing content you would like to start the blog with

What's your tech stack (choose the most applicable)?

What's your tech stack (choose the most applicable)?

How many people do you expect to use wisp from your team?