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Community Shoutout Submission Form

Share awesomeness with fellow expats

Whether it's a must-visit place, a life hack, or an inspiring story, we’d love to hear from you.

Examples to Inspire You:
- I found an English-speaking dentist in Berlin who’s amazing
- There's a flea market in Cologne every weekend with great bargains.
- Check out this free app for learning German vocabulary

Your shoutout will be published in our next newsletter if:

1. It's submitted before Thursday, 17:00 for Saturday issue
2. There is space for it.
3. It meets the arbitrary GermanPedia criteria.

Link to the website/Linkedin/Instagram where readers can find more information 


Think of it like writing a tweet. We'll edit and publish this text.
Max 280 characters

Any comment or remark (Optional)

If you want to advertise or you are submitting an advertisement, mention it here.