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Build your Own Outbound Engine

A full start-to-finish tutorial on how you can build an outbound engine for your organisation to drive 10 more meetings per week.
What will be included:
πŸ‘‰ How to build an outbound program using Clay, lemlist, Smartlead + many other tools
πŸ‘‰ How to setup full email infrastructure with Mailforge - Cold Email Infrastructure πŸ“ˆ
πŸ‘‰ How to build offers prospects can't refuse
πŸ‘‰ Building a lead magnet from start to finish
πŸ‘‰ How to deliver email copy which gets 10%+ positive replies
πŸ‘‰ 30+ cold email plays which have driven off-the-scale results
πŸ‘‰ How to build an audience on LinkedIn which delivers 100s of meetings
πŸ‘‰ How to leverage AI to maximise outbound success

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