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Benji Affiliate Program

Thanks for your interest in becoming a Benji Affiliate!
We review each application carefully. In most cases, applications to the Benji Affiliate Program are processed within five business days. If your application is approved, you'll receive an email confirming your acceptance and some tools to help you get started.
This application will take about 4–7 minutes to complete.
Good luck! 💙

First name

Last name

Email address

Tax residence

Tax residence

Describe your content

E.g., I publish a newsletter about building a business as a solopreneur. I also have an online community for people interested in becoming solopreneuers.

Describe your audience

E.g., My audience is primarily women between 25–34 operating (or are interested in starting) a freelance business as a copywriter.

Breakdown your audience

E.g., YouTube: 10k, Instagram: 12k, Podcast downloads: 25k, etc. 5,000 subscribers, 54.32% open rate, 10.23% click rate. 60% United States, 30% Canada, and 10% rest of the world.

Share your promotion plan

E.g., I'll create a video where I talk about taxes and how I use Benji to help me find tax write-offs. I'll publish a newsletter where I talk about best tools for content creators. Plus, I'll add my affiliate link on my Linktree page.

Share your links

Please share links for where you plan to promote your Benji affiliate link.

Have you tried the Benji app?

No judgement here if you haven't.
Have you tried the Benji app?

What would you like us to know that we haven't already asked?

This question is optional in case you wanted to share something we didn't ask about.

Program Terms

Program Terms