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香港 Web 3.0 安全科技峰會暨 Web 3.0 年度頒獎典禮

2023年,Web3 產業的進展在許多不可預測的黑天鵝事件和顯而易見的灰犀牛事件的衝擊下,曾經一度陷入低谷。 然而,Meta Era,作為一個致力於在亞洲和全球推廣Web3.0技術的媒體平台,始終堅守初心,不懈尋找那些在逆境中持續為該行業做出傑出貢獻的創新企業和傑出領袖。 我們深信,去中心化和加密信仰最終將戰勝產業的陰霾,引領人類科技與金融領域的主流舞台。

In 2023, the progress of the Web3 industry was once at a low ebb due to a number of unpredictable black swans and obvious gray rhinoceros events. However, Meta Era, as a media platform dedicated to promoting Web 3.0 technologies in Asia and globally, has remained steadfast in its mission to seek out innovative companies and leaders who continue to make outstanding contributions to the industry in the face of adversity. We are confident that decentralization and crypto beliefs will ultimately overcome the industry's haze and lead the way to the mainstream of human technology and finance.

Meta Era 的首屆年度加密頒獎典禮以「加密未來」為主題,旨在表彰那些在熊市環境下仍然傑出表現,推動Web3.0技術大規模應用的團隊和個人。 今年,Meta Era 將頒發15個獨家獎項,由業界數十位專家領銜組成的評審團以及全球公眾投票來共同決定獲獎者。

Meta Era's inaugural annual crypto awards ceremony is themed "Crypto Future" and aims to recognize teams and individuals who have excelled in driving the mass adoption of Web 3.0 technologies despite the bear market environment. This year, Meta Era will present 15 exclusive awards, with a panel of dozens of industry experts and the global public voting to determine the winners.
Click here to view the specific judging criteria for the awards.

資訊收集 / Info Collection:2023/11/20-2023/12/3
大眾投票 / Public Vote:2023/12/4-2023/12/17 專家評審 / Experts Judging:2023/12/18-2023/12/20

頒獎典禮 / Award Ceremony:2023/12/21 6:00 PM

1. 請選擇需要參與評選的獎項

2. 項目名稱/個人名稱 (Project Name/Personal Name)

3. 項目官網/個人推特 (Project Website/Personal Twitter)

4. 項目簡介/個人簡介 (Project Profile/Personal Profile)

300 字以內 (300 words or less)

5. 評選理由 (Reasons for Selection)

300 字以內 (300 words or less)

6. 補充資料(Supplementary Information)

7. 聯絡人姓名 (Name of Contact Person)

8. 聯絡人 TG (Contacts' Telegram)

9. 聯絡人信箱 (Contact Email)