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Phrasing Beta Application

Thank you for your interest in the Phrasing Beta program! I'm excited to get Phrasing in the hands of as many people as possible, and can't wait to bring you board.

Contact details

These are for personal communications only, and will not go into any marketing channels 🙂
If you prefer to be contacted via telegram or WhatsApp, please enter them below

Language learning details

How do you feel about Spaced Repetition?
What sort of native materials would you like to consume if any?
What applications do you currently love for language learning?

Phrasing details

Phrasing brings together the use of a lot of APIs to leverage state of the art technology. My estimations indicate it will cost ~€10 per month for the average user to run. Eventually, there will be a free tier will have limited functionality and therefore run cheaper, but will not be available in the near term
How much would you be willing to pay (select all that apply)
How did you hear about Phrasing?

Anything else?