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Experienceship Listing Submission

Organization Name

What areas of support will your Explorer assist with?

What areas of support will your Explorer assist with?

Experienceship Title

For e.g., community manager, marketing coordinator, branding basics explorer.

Experienceship Tagline

Add a short, exciting one liner that describes the goal of the experienceship.

What will your career explorer be doing? *

What tasks, projects, or responsibilities will they take on? How will they contribute to your team and make an impact?

What environment will the Experienceship take place?

What environment will the Experienceship take place?

What tools will your Explorer use?

Are there any specific tools, platforms, or software they’ll be working with? (Think design tools, CRM systems, data platforms, etc.)

What skills will your Explorer develop in this role?

Think both hard and soft skills.

Who will be the primary mentor for the Explorer during the experienceship?

What is the primary mentor's job title?

Please insert your calendar link (this will be sent to your matched explorer so they can directly schedule a call with you. We recommend platforms like Calendly or Cal). *If you do not insert a link, we will use LettuceMeet to get your availability