Welcome to the newest unofficial survey of the Homestuck community since...
2020, wow.
We'll ask you questions about:
- Yourself (age, gender, juggalo status...)
- Your Homestuck data (classpects, moon sway, date of fandom joinage...)
- Your Homestuck opinions (favorite characters, franchises...)
Once the survey period has ended (soon!), we'll assemble and release a bunch of cool graphs. You'll finally be able to know for sure that Vriska is overrated.
There will be a text box at the end where you'll be able to submit
feedback for next year's survey. In order to give people something to
complain about, we've included a political compass question.
Please set aside some time for the survey (this is LONG but carefully designed, most beta testers took around 10-20 minutes), and pass this URL around to every single Homestuck fan you know, still in the fandom or not.
That's right, finish the survey or the bunny gets it.