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Phenyx - Branding Questionnaire

Client Information

What products or services do you offer?:

What is your mission statement or business objective?:

Who is your target audience? (Demographics, interests, behaviours):

Who are your main competitors? (Please provide names and websites if possible):

Do you have existing branding?

Do you have existing branding?

If Yes, please upload your branding here:

If Yes, What do you like and dislike about your current branding?:

Describe your desired brand image in three words (e.g., innovative, approachable, professional):

What are your main goals for this branding project?

What are your main goals for this branding project?

Are there any specific colours, fonts, or symbols you envision for your brand?:

Please provide examples of brands/logos you admire:

What branding materials do you need?

What branding materials do you need?

What is your budget for this project?

What is the timeline for this project?