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QuantathonV2 Application

First Name

Last Name

Email (Academic Institution)

Phone Number

Academic Institution

Degree Program

Please submit the email address of an academic faculty member willing to act as a reference or advisor for you:

Enrollment Status

Date of Birth

Are you applying as part of a team? Note: Teams will be comprised of 3 to 5 students.

If yes, please provide the names of the remaining students on your team. Note: All team members must submit an application.

Are you a winner of one of the 2025 International Quantum Circuit series quantum hackathons?

If yes to the above question, which hackathon did you participate in?

What is your experience level with quantum?

What skills do you have?

What skills do you have?

Other relevant experience (technology, quantum, research, conference/contest attendance, start-ups, etc.):

Please upload your resume below:

Do you opt in to have your resume shared with sponsoring companies for professional recruitment purposes only?

Do you opt in to have your resume shared with sponsoring companies for professional recruitment purposes only?

Why do you want to participate in the SC Quantathon and is there anything else you'd like us to know about you?

Which t-shirt size would you like if accepted?

Which t-shirt size would you like if accepted?

Do you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions?

How did you hear about this event?


I authorize SC Quantum to send me email and other communications.

I authorize SC Quantum to send me email and other communications.

I understand that photos and videos will be taken at this event and agree that photos and videos of me may be used for SC Quantum promotional purposes.

I understand that photos and videos will be taken at this event and agree that photos and videos of me may be used for SC Quantum promotional purposes.
By signing below, I hereby confirm by submission of this application form that I will be in attendance onsite if accepted, will complete an online quantum training before the event, and commit to actively participating onsite at the SCQuantathonv2 in South Carolina for the full duration October 10-12.