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Principles on Accountability and Transparency in Social Media Monetization

When: Monday, February 24 | 11:30am-3pm (lunch provided)
About the Workshop
WHAT TO FIX is bringing together a multi-stakeholder group of experts to work towards Global Principles on Transparency and Accountability in Social Media Monetization.
Over the last few years, social media companies have offered creators and publishers increasing opportunities to generate a revenue from their social media activity. While the introduction of new revenue generating opportunities is welcome, very little is known about social media monetization programs, their functioning, scale, the policies that guide their rollout, the enforcement of these policies, and the adverse impact of these programs on creators, publishers, media, advertisers, shareholders and society at large (see WHAT TO FIX (2024) From Content to Payment: The Rise and Implications of Social Media Ad Revenue Sharing).
Building on a draft put together by a task force of advertisers, creators, independent media, business and human rights and tech policy experts, participants will discuss what meaningful accountability and transparency means to relevant stakeholders, and contribute to translating stakeholder-specific and public transparency expectations into meaningful asks and indicators.
Space is limited. Please register your interest by Friday, February 22nd, by filling in your details below:


