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Employee Questionnaire for

Can you please tell us your name

Please tell us your email.

Does your current/previous company provide any employee benefits?

If yes, please provide the names of current/previous company which provided benefits separated by comma.

How aware are you of the benefits offered by your company?

How aware are you of the benefits offered by your company?

How aware are you of the process to claim and receive the benefits offered by the company?

How aware are you of the process to claim and receive the benefits offered by the company?

How often do you avail the employee benefits that you are entitled to?

How satisfied are you with the current process for availing these benefits?

How satisfied are you with the current process for availing these benefits?

What challenges do you face when receiving or accessing your benefits?

What challenges do you face when receiving or accessing your benefits?

How likely are you to report an issue with benefit disbursement to the HR department?

How likely are you to report an issue with benefit disbursement to the HR department?

How easy is it for you to track the status of your benefit claims?

How easy is it for you to track the status of your benefit claims?

What motivates you to use or not use the available benefits?

How important is it for you to have a streamlined and transparent process for receiving benefits?

How important is it for you to have a streamlined and transparent process for receiving benefits?