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Connected You Community Collaboration Request Form

Thank you so much for the interest to collaborate with us. We are always looking for women to share their gifts, talents and wisdom with our community to help the women to connect with themselves, others and their wider world.
We welcome both professionals and newbies to presenting - as we believe the more women step into the arena courageously - the better the world.
So, if this is you and your idea aligns with below and our values, please read this thoroughly and fill out the form below and we would love to hear your idea. :)
Guided by Heart, United by Connection.
We are a community where women support women. With our monthly meetups, workshops, women's circles, and special events we create space to have real conversations as women and womxn. To share our gifts, experience and knowledge to promote heart-centred living and holistic wellbeing while making meaningful connections.
We are a community for women where we are inspired by each others’ experiences, wisdom and stories. Through that, we can integrate and connect and make sense of our own inner experiences better together in a community setting and as a collective.
Connected You is a sanctuary for women to come together to be seen and heard. Our audience is women in their 20s-40s who are interested in personal development, holistic wellbeing and spirituality. They are here for authentic connection, sisterhood and vulnerability and sharing wisdom and stories from this place.

Connection holistically within Yourself, Others, and the wider Universe creates the recipe for us to be fulfilled and thrive. These realms of connection are present in everything we do at Connected You.


In a world where loneliness is the greatest epidemic, we need connection more than ever. We believe in creating confidential, safe, inclusive community space to connect both virtually and in person to battle against this disconnection and promote togetherness, community and collaboration in this world.

We believe together is better.

We see you. We hear you. We've got you.

We are Connected You Community.

- We are sisters connected heart-to-heart through authenticity and vulnerability.
- We inspire by sharing stories and wisdom.
- We empower each other by sharing knowledge.
- We keep moving resiliently and courageously through the world.
- We prioritise holistic wellbeing.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Our intention for our collaborations is women and womxn to come share their gifts, expertise and wisdom that we can all connect through the experience together and find more helpful connections and resources to support us further on our journeys. If you wish to purely do a sales pitch for your services, this is not the platform for you.

Your Name

Your Email Address

Phone number

Your Location

Have you attended one of our events before?

Have you attended one of our events before?

What are you interested in doing?

What are you interested in doing?

We value everyone's time and effort. We welcome both free and paid event ideas. Which are you interested in doing?

We value everyone's time and effort. We welcome both free and paid event ideas. Which are you interested in doing?

Tell me the title for your event idea.

What would this event give them as an outcome to link to connection and holistic wellbeing for the women in our community?

What is the reason your heart calls you to do this? What's in this for you to do this?

Please provide a short bio about you and your professional credentials.

What is your experience hosting workshops/webinars/events like this before? Summarise.

We are a community who wants more women to step into the arena to share their gifts. Whether you're a pro or a new to this, mention that, so we can support you accordingly.

What do you need from us as possible collaboration partner? (e.g. hosting support, logistics wise, support wise)

Regarding Free Collaborations: We don’t encourage a sales pitch but you can mention an upcoming event, a program, or other links to connect with you in the end in one slide to promote yourself. Are you okay with this?

We usually run our online workshops on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings - 7:30pm. Longer events on weekends. What date and time you have in mind to do this event? Give a couple of ideas.

Is there anything else you would like to say? :)

Thank you so much for filling this out. I cannot guarantee all collaboration ideas will move ahead but we consider every idea and will come back to you whether this aligns with our community at this time. We always aim to do collaboration which serves the community interest and aligns with our values - and to be sure our space aligns with your offering as well!
We always aim to do collaborations that serves the community interest and aligns with our values - and to be sure our space aligns with your offering as well - to honor everyone's efforts and time.
I will be in touch with you soon! :)