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AUTOBarge: Call for Collaboration!

1a. In which country is your company registered? (select the best match)

1b. Where do you operate?(select all applicable)

1b. Where do you operate?(select all applicable)

2a. What shipping sectors is your company engaged? (Check all that is applicable)

2a. What shipping sectors is your company engaged? (Check all that is applicable)

2b. What shipping sector is the main focus of your operations?

2b. What shipping sector is the main focus of your operations?

2c. Scale of organisation (Number of employees in your company including part time and remote workers)

2d. What are your market segment? (select all applicable)

2d. What are your market segment? (select all applicable)

3a. Which of the following operational supports are undertaken in-house within your organization (select all that apply)?

3a. Which of the following operational supports are undertaken in-house within your organization (select all that apply)?

3b. Which are the human resources you have within your organization? **

3b. Which are the human resources you have within your organization? **

3c. Which are the human resources you OUTSOURCE for your organisation?

4a. Does your company deploy digitalisation/automation based technologies in executing your operational services?

4b. Does your organization have a vision or plan to introduce / increase the deployment of digitalisation/automation technologies/processes?

5a. Are you interested in participating further in this study? Can we get in touch with you in the future?

5a. Are you interested in participating further in this study? Can we get in touch with you in the future?

5b. If YES, please provide the contact information for further communication in the next steps.

CONSENT TEXT: Details of the project can be found here: .
Risks/Discomforts: There are no foreseeable risks or discomforts through participation in this study.
Benefits: There are no direct benefits for participants. However, it is hoped that through your participation, we will learn more about how to make the maritime sector safer, and efficient.
I volunteer to participate in a research project conducted by Dhaneswara Al Amien (Nord University), Lingyu Zhang (Hamburg University) and Rana Saha (Chalmers University of Technology).
1. My participation in this project is voluntary. I understand that I will not be paid for my participation. I may withdraw and discontinue participation at any time without penalty.
2. I understand I will not be identifiable by name in any reports using information obtained from this study. My personal data will be handled in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and in a manner that does not infringe my personal integrity. Subsequent uses of records and data will be subject to standard data use policies which protect the anonymity of individuals and institutions.
3. I have read and understand the explanation provided to me. I have had all my questions answered to my satisfaction, and I voluntarily agree to participate in this study.
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