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LLM Developer Insights: A Survey on Tools and Technologies

Catena Labs is conducting research on the community of developers using LLMs to understand their goals, challenges, and tool usage. We are building solutions for AI developers, by AI developers. Our goal with this survey is to inform product development but also give back to the community with a thorough report that can help other builders.

All data will be open-sourced. Once we hit our target number of respondents, we will synthesize and publish a report (along with the raw data) in our blog and various communities.

This survey should take about 7 to 10 minutes to complete. Thank you.

Your email

If you wish to receive the report once its published, enter your email below.
By entering your email, you'll be automatically entered into a raffle to win one of five $100 Amazon gift cards. It's our way of saying thank you and giving back to the community that helps us grow.
Note: it will not be used for any promotional material nor be included in the raw data.

Are you open to a brief conversation with us?

We are looking to speak with developers building LLM-powered products. In return, we will send you a $75 Amazon gift card.
Are you open to a brief conversation with us?