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👋 Looking for a new role?

Hi, welcome to Susana's personal & confidential interest form, where job seekers can submit their details to be connected to companies looking to hire.
This idea sparked when my LinkedIn post about a foundational Customer Support role from one of my clients went viral, attracting over 100k impressions and hundreds of DMs.
The best part? Since then, even more founders have reached out for help in finding hires, inspiring me to create a better system.
What I can guarantee
✱ Your information is private and only I will have access to it
✱ I will never share your information without your permission
✱ I will never send you spam
✱ You can request to have your information deleted at any time
✱ I will not ask you to pay for role recommendations
What I can't guarantee
✱ That I will actually be able to connect you to an opportunity (it doesn't depend on me)
Before you proceed, please confirm you accept to share your personal information with me:
Untitled checkboxes field
Please Note: While I mostly come across opportunities in Customer Experience due to my line of work, I am happy to recommend any types of roles to job seekers.