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myNetworkHer: Newsletter Producer

🌤️Thank you for your interesting in joining myNetworkHer's team as a Newsletter Producer! As a newsletter producer, you are expected to write, help build and design templates for "myNetworkHer's Korra", our new bi-weekly newsletter. This newsletter will include fun facts, myNetworkHer updates, opportunities and more.
We are looking for a super strong communicator, and someone experienced in writing, design, and editing. Most importantly, someone who is interested in focusing on myNetworkHer's mission of accessibility.
We look forward to reading your application!
Mandatory Time commitment: Min 2hrs/Week
This is a volunteer position.
High School Graduation Date
What School do you go to?
What is your time zone?
What is your experience with writing?
Link to your work (i.e english essay)
How much time can you dedicate to this role?
Why do you want to join the NetworkHer team?
Where did you hear about us?
Anything else you want to add about your experience that will contribute to being a newsletter producer (i.e design, leadership, social media etc.)?
Thank you for filling our form out 🚀! We should be in touch in the next week to schedule an interview. If you have any questions please reach us at: [email protected] or on our site at