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Community Survey // Shenandoah Valley Bicycle Coalition

We're grateful you are here! This big, beautiful movement wouldn't be the same without your support, interest, and engagement.

What is your home Zip Code?

How familiar are you with the mission and activities of the Bicycle Coalition?

How familiar are you with the mission and activities of the Bicycle Coalition?

In your opinion, how effective has the Bicycle Coalition been in advancing trails, biking, and walking initiatives in the Shenandoah Valley?

What do you think have been the most significant achievements of the Bicycle Coalition over the past handful of years?

What areas should the Coalition focus on in the future? (choose all that apply)

How do you hear about the Bicycle Coalition's events and activities?

How do you hear about the Bicycle Coalition's events and activities?

How would you rate the accessibility of Coalition events, volunteer opportunities, and initiatives?

Follow-up: What could make participation easier for you? (Select up to 2)

Follow-up: What could make participation easier for you? (Select up to 2)

In what ways do you think the Coalition could better foster a sense of community and connection among members, volunteers, and supporters? (Select up to 2)

In what ways do you think the Coalition could better foster a sense of community and connection among members, volunteers, and supporters? (Select up to 2)