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Join the SMJ-Team!

Are you fascinated by science and how it shapes our world? Curious about how research moves from labs to headlines or have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of scientific journals? 

At Student Medical Journal we’re on a mission to bring students and researchers together to improve how student research is understood and shared. By publishing articles, networking with researchers and professionals from esteemed universities from all over the world, leading journal clubs and workshops we aim to make research accessible to everyone!

If you are passionate about these ideas and want to join our student-lead initiative, we’d love to get to know you!

Tell us about yourself!

What department(s) are you interested in?

What department(s) are you interested in?

Do you have prior experience in the chosen department(s)?

Do you have prior experience in the chosen department(s)?

If you have prior experience in this department, we'd love to hear more about it!

What is your motivation to join us?

Please upload your CV

How did you hear about us?

How did you hear about us?

I am aware that my data is going to be submitted and through my application a position is not granted

I am aware that my data is going to be submitted and through my application a position is not granted