Hey there! welcome to the free roast queuing room. I'm so pumped to have you here! 🥳
Your number on the queue doesn't matter, what matters, and determine whether I let you in or bounce you off is if you answer all the questions below. Good thing is: It will only take 5 minutes of your time!
So let's make this a safe space, only you and I get to see your response.
Talk about your current landing page conversion headache, your conversion numbers, the traffic you're driving, how you're tracking on-page behavior, and your conversion goal.
Write as much as you want, I'm happy to help you in any way I can so please don't hold back with the response. 🙂
I'm currently planning to launch a Newsletter to teach business owners how to implement data-centric conversion and UX processes. Sounds boring, but it promises to be value-jacked. Would like to receive the Newsletter once it launches
Thanks for patiently answering all the questions. I'll keep in touch. :)