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Landing Page Roast - Help me Help you!

Hey there! welcome to the free roast queuing room. I'm so pumped to have you here! 🥳
Your number on the queue doesn't matter, what matters, and determine whether I let you in or bounce you off is if you answer all the questions below. Good thing is: It will only take 5 minutes of your time!
So let's make this a safe space, only you and I get to see your response.
Talk about your current landing page conversion headache, your conversion numbers, the traffic you're driving, how you're tracking on-page behavior, and your conversion goal.
Write as much as you want, I'm happy to help you in any way I can so please don't hold back with the response. 🙂

What is your name?

What is your email address?

Where did you first hear about the FREE Landing page roast

Where did you first hear about the FREE Landing page roast

Why did you choose to buy Writing OS?

Which of these best describes you?

Which of these best describes you?

What is it about your current landing page that makes you want to order a roast? (e.g. It's converting at 2%, I would like to increase the conversion rate to 7% )

Now expand on the problem for me: Where are you driving traffic from? What's the size of your traffic? Who are you sending to this landing page? The more you can tell me, the better.

What's the URL of this Landing Page that's giving you so much trouble? Give it to me 🙂

What data do you have that can help me do a better job than the Generic Reddit Roasts? (e.g. Market research file, recorded customer interview, heatmaps, survey responses. )

What tools do you use to track conversion and on-page user behavior? (Feel free to name your entire conversion tool stack)

Bare your heart out: In comprehensive text, tell me how a boost in conversion rate on this particular page would affect your business

I'm currently planning to launch a Newsletter to teach business owners how to implement data-centric conversion and UX processes. Sounds boring, but it promises to be value-jacked. Would like to receive the Newsletter once it launches

I'm currently planning to launch a Newsletter to teach business owners how to implement data-centric conversion and UX processes. Sounds boring, but it promises to be value-jacked. Would like to receive the Newsletter once it launches

If yes — Mention 3 topics you would like me to write about.

Thanks for patiently answering all the questions. I'll keep in touch. :)