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ideaisland beta feedback form

Hello! Thank you for taking the time to review the application. 😄 Your feedback is vital to us and will help guide the direction of ideaisland going forward.

What did you like about the platform?

What didn't you like, or wish was different?

How would you rate us on:


Problem section

Does this content help you form a problem that you can build a business around?

Does this content help you form a problem that you can build a business around?

Was the content frustrating or annoying to engage with?

Was the content frustrating or annoying to engage with?

Notes Section

Was it easy for you to take notes and jot down ideas? What features do you think are missing from the notes section?

Solution Section

What on the solution finder was difficult to use?

Does the Problem Statement and Idea Inspiration provide any value to your brainstorm?

What would improve your experience coming up with a new idea or solution? Have any ideas for new idea formulation tools?

Other Tools

Did you find the feature selection tool useful? Anything you'd like to see changed?

Was the Tech stack selector helpful to you? How could it be improved?

Was the MRR calculator easy to use? What could be added to make that tool feel more complete?

Are there any other tools or calculators you'd like to see in a future version of ideaisland?

Are there any other tools or calculators you'd like to see in a future version of ideaisland?


What questions did you find yourself asking repeatedly about the app while using it?

Did the navigation of the app make sense? How could it be improved?

Would you pay for ideaisland?

Would you pay for ideaisland?

Anything else you'd like to share with us?

Screenshots or images you'd like to share?

Untitled checkboxes field