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Software Essentialism Mentoring Application Form

Welcome to the application for the Software Essentialism Mentorship Program. Please answer the following questions with the most accuracy possible to increase your chance of being considered for an opportunity to work with Khalil & his team.



Mobile Number

What city, timezone, country are you in?

What’s your biggest challenge in writing scalable (testable, flexible, and maintainable) applications?

What have you tried so far & what do you think is holding you back?

Please share how you think I can help you.

On a scale of 1 to 10, how dedicated are you to working on this challenge?

On a scale of 1 to 10, how dedicated are you to working on this challenge?

How much are you willing and able to invest into the growth of yourself or your business?

How much are you willing and able to invest into the growth of yourself or your business?

Finally, what excites you most about potentially joining my mentorship program?