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National Association of Youth Theatres' Survey of Facilitator Pay

At NAYT we are aware of the pressures facing youth theatres to generate fees to pay practitioner/ facilitators or fundraise to cover these costs. We are also aware that for many freelance facilitators their pay has remained on a similar level for a number of years. We would like to understand the picture more deeply so that we can offer advice and communicate the context of youth theatre delivery at a strategic level across the sector. 

This form and data will be treated in accordance with our GDPR guidelines and answers are anonymous. We thank you for your help.

What type of organisation are you? (Tick all that apply)

What type of organisation are you? (Tick all that apply)

Where are you in the UK? If you are in more than one area but are not national please use the area where you are based most often/is noted in your legal document.

Where are you in the UK? If you are in more than one area but are not national please use the area where you are based most often/is noted in your legal document.

Where does the funding for your youth theatre come from?

Where does the funding for your youth theatre come from?

Who is your youth theatre leader?

Who is your youth theatre leader?

How much do you pay your youth theatre leader? (This is the lead facilitator, there are questions about other types of facilitators further on). If you pay per session or per term, to the best of your ability, please state what that works out per hour.

How much do you pay your youth theatre leader? (This is the lead facilitator, there are questions about other types of facilitators further on). If you pay per session or per term, to the best of your ability, please state what that works out per hour.

If you have assistant youth theatre facilitator, how much do you them?

If you have assistant youth theatre facilitator, how much do you them?

If you have an assistant youth theatre facilitator, which best describes them?

If you have an assistant youth theatre facilitator, which best describes them?

If you bring in specialist facilitators (e.g. musician, movement director, choreographer), please let us know the pay range for them.

Under £20 p/h
£21-£30 p/h
£31-£40 p/h
£41-£50 p/h
£51-70 p/h
£70-£90 p/h
Over £90 p/h
They volunteer their time

Do you have a regular pay review system established?

Do you have a regular pay review system established?
Do you have a regular pay review system established?

What responsibilities does your lead facilitator have?

What responsibilities does your lead facilitator have?

Would you like to change the fee for your youth theatre facilitator(s)?

Would you like to change the fee for your youth theatre facilitator(s)?

Please let us know if you have any other comments you would like to share