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YMHC Mental Health and Wellness Workshops and Presentations Request Form

⚠️ Before proceeding with a deposit payment and requesting workshops, please carefully read the process and fee information.
Please complete the sections below with accurate information. Ensure that all required fields are appropriately filled to expedite the application process.

For questions, please contact us via email or phone.

Phone: 647-952-9642

Contact Information


Workshop Requirements

Remote (Zoom) or In-person? If in-person is selected, please provide an address.


All workshops incorporate international best practices in mental health and wellness, including Social Emotional Learning, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.

Popular workshops include:

• Mental Health 101
• Anxiety 101
• Emotional Regulation
• Supporting Students with School Phobia
• Building Sources of Strength and Resilience
• Building Sources of Support and Mental Wellness Protective Factors
• Creating a Mental Wellness Action Plan
• Dealing with Bullying and Harassment
• Upstream Approaches to Youth Mental Health and Wellness
• School-Wide Approaches to Student Mental Health
Indicate the workshop topics you are interested in:
What information would you like the workshop to cover?
Workshop length (1, 1.5, 2, or 3)
Potential Dates and Times:
List 3 potential dates and times for your workshop to be held.
Please provide some details about the workshop participants
Would you like an outline of the workshop to give a breakdown of topics covered?

Workshop Add-ons

Possible Workshop Add-ons: Providing workshop incentives like certificates of participation and digital fillable resources is a great way of increasing interest in workshop participation and attendance. YMHC can provide workshop participation certificates if requested. We need the email addresses of all participants. Digital fillable copies of our three mental wellness workbooks (Beneath the Surface, Sources of Strength, and Sources of Support) are available for $25 each. To process the digital book request, we need an email address for each participant. You may skip this box and provide this later.

Use of Zoom

I acknowledge and agree that the upcoming workshop I am booking requires the use of Zoom as the designated online platform. I understand that the workshop is specifically designed to utilize the unique features and functionalities offered by Zoom.

I further understand and accept that the workshop organizers do not conduct workshops over Microsoft Teams or any other remote conference software. It is my responsibility as a participant to ensure that I have access to Zoom and the necessary equipment to actively engage in the workshop activities.

Before the workshop begins, the instructor will provide me with a Zoom meeting link to join the session. It is my duty to ensure that I have a stable internet connection and a compatible device to access Zoom and fully participate in the workshop.

Workshop Service Agreement

The Workshop Service Agreement is disclosed here for your information. It will become effective on the invoice date once the workshop has been confirmed by both parties and the payment terms have been discussed and finalized.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the terms of the Workshop Service Agreement