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Nocode Sprint

Are you ready to turn your idea into reality?

Join me for a 21-day design + no-code challenge designed to empower you to bring your vision to life. Just like I built from scratch in 21 days, you can do the same!
Nocode Kraft is free. 🍎 App Store / 🤖 Play Store
What to Expect:

In this sprint, you'll embark on a journey of idea definition, user learning, prototyping, testing, and execution. Here's the breakdown:

Week 1: Define and Ideate
Day 1: Empathize & Define
Day 2: Competitors Research & Analysis
Day 3: User Survey
Day 4: User Persona & User Journey Map
Day 5: User Flows
Day 6: Ideate & Sketch
Day 7: Wireframes Prototype

Week 2: Refine and Design
Day 8: Usability Tests: Plan & Script
Day 9: Usability Tests: Testing & Report
Day 10: Redefining Design
Day 11: Branding & MoodBoard Creation
Day 12: Airtable Database Creation
Day 13: TallyForms Forms Creation
Day 14: Bravo Tags & Airtable & Tally Integration

Week 3: Final Touches and Launch
Day 15-16: Bravorizing
Day 17-18: High-fidelity Design
Day 19: Preparations for the big day!
Day 20: Preparing Submissions!
Day 21: Launch day! 🚀🎉

What's included:

Daily Resources: Experience clear, focused guidance through short videos and curated links tailored to each day's tasks.
Interactive Community: Track your progress on the leaderboard and join kickoff + 3 group calls to share feedback with fellow participants.

Your Role:

Do the daily tasks, and document your progress daily through short text posts, screenshots, or quick videos. — Are you in?

Join the waiting list:

Choose your plan

Choose your plan