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Freelancer Account Application Form



Phone Number


Instagram URL


Job Role(s) / Skill Set

Job Role(s) / Skill Set

We require proof of hired-in kit insurance for every rental. If you don't have this currently, we recommend using Performance Film & Media.

Insurance Broker

Name of Insurance Policy Holder

Policy Number

Policy Expiry Date

Policy Hired In Kit Limit (£)

Please make sure that you have a policy that explicitly covers 'hired in kit' and that this is shown on your policy document that you upload.

Please provide a reference from any of the following areas: rental house (preferred) / work / business / education.

Reference Person's Name

Reference Organisation Name

Reference Position in Company

Reference Work Email Address*

Reference Work Phone Number


Please note that the utility bills, must display an address which matches the one you've applied with, and be dated within the past 6 months. This must be a full page scan, photo or downloaded PDF of one of the following only:- Utility bill (gas, electricity, water, TV/internet/telephone provider)- Bank document (letter or statement addressed to you)- HMRC document (council tax bill, self-assessment statement, miscellaneous letter

Please note we DO NOT accept the following:
- Documents with an address different to the one in your application
- Part-pages or images of envelopes
- Screenshots
- Tenancy agreements, pay slips, student finance letters, or miscellaneous invoices.

Passport/Driving Licence

Utility Bill #1

Utility Bill #2

Insurance Document

Nearly There!

How did you hear about us?

Name of person who introduced you to Envizual Rentals (if applicable)