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Get featured on MeowStack

Cats of Substack! Are your humans paying you insufficient respect? Do they fail to respond to your every whim? Do they not appreciate you for the magnificent creature you are? Get the adoration you deserve on MeowStack, the Substack for cats and the humans who love them. (For the humans: Answer the questions below to submit your cat(s) for our interview series. If you have more than one cat, feel free to share about them both. Please answer the questions from the perspective of your cat.)

What is your human's email address?

Please share the link to your human's Substack (or preferred website/social media account).

Is your human's Substack about cats? If yes, would they like to be included in our "Cat"alogue of cat-centric Substacks?

What is your name, and why are you the most magnificent creature in the universe?

How did you choose your human to be your supplicant?

What is the most amusing way you confound your human?

By what means will you inevitably achieve world domination?

What else does the world need to know about you?

Please share at least three pictures of your magnificence (the more the merrier).