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Pre-selector Application Form 初审报名表

ANFFF动物·生态·未来影展是非盈利NGO组织International Nature Bond CIC旗下的主要活动。目标是通过视觉艺术的方式,以在相应背景下切实可行的方式,打造一系列可持续、适应性强且独特的致力于保护动物和环境的艺术项目,以促进人类与自然之间更优质的共生相处关系。ANFFF通过一系列影像为媒介的艺术体验,在国际上引发有影响力的对话,推动生态友好型实践,并成为积极促进环境变革的先驱。我们致力于惠及社区、艺术家、环保组织、动物服务、教育机构和地方社区,培养人们对自然世界的共情和尊重。2024年ANFFF动物·生态·未来影展将于9月27日至10月5日于英国伦敦举办。
ANFFF is dedicated to giving voice to animals and nature on a global scale. In order to ensure objectivity and diversity in the selection of films for our competition segments, we invite preliminary judges from different cultural backgrounds to participate in the selection process, hoping to contribute new possibilities to animal- and nature-themed cinema.
Please fill out basic information, submit the application form, and carefully complete two film reviews. The ANFFF curation team will carefully consider each application. ( Please read the questions and write the film reviews in advance, then copy it into the form to prevent losing your edits.)

1. Tell us a bit more about yourself 请填写基本信息

2. Whether or not you are a current student?请问您是否是学生?

2. Whether or not you are a current student?请问您是否是学生?

3. Upload your resume 请上传您的简历

4. Do you have any film festival working experience? 请问您是否有电影节相关工作经历?

4. Do you have any film festival working experience? 请问您是否有电影节相关工作经历?

5. Your understanding and observation of the current state of animal ecology in the world/China (100 words or less) 您对于世界/中国动物生态现状的理解和观察(100字以内)

6. Choose one film that you like in the nature and animal theme category, and write a film review in English. (no more 250 words)


7. Choose one film that you find controversial/disliked in animal theme category, write a film review in English. (no more 250 words )7


8. Is it possible for you to attend the opening ceremony in London as well as the film festival series? 是否有可能出席9月份伦敦开幕式以及影展系列活动

The answer to this question does not affect the selection of the preliminary jury. The festival does not reimburse travel expenses but offers you the opportunity to attend festival events as VIP guests.

9. Other materials that may prove your ability. 其他补充能力证明材料