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6WIC S2: Quest W2


Your goal in W2 is to build your v1 & launch quickly.

Reward: 500 Points · 75 points if you're late.
Due July 10 at 23.59 WIB but better submit late than nothing.


Launch by showing demo of your v1 to people
Record less than 2 min video using loom with the format below:
1. what — who are you + tell what you build in one sentence explanation. show yourself in a full screen first before showing your project *required. (e.g. Hi, I am apri & i am building a discord server to stay productive working on personal projects alongside others)
2. demo or example — show people what you're working on.
3. progress & next plan — what you've tried so far in building your idea for example: tell the fun or challenging part & what's your next plan.
4. End with Call to Action (CTA) — share or ask people to visit/give feedback/listen/use/ download/purchase or whatever that helps your idea grow better.
Need examples? go to closa #forum channel choose show project filter.


W1 Slide → build & launch
All the recap → 6WIC S2

Which the best describe you

Which the best describe you

Discord Username

Your idea in one-liner

Write something that make your idea easy to understand in one sentence.

link to video