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Intro Providers Registration

Welcome to PartnerHQ! 👋
Fill out the form below to register as an intro provider and be emailed with paid intro opportunities that match your network.
How to use PartnerHQ:
✍️ 1. Share information about your professional network with PartnerHQ. <- You are here.📍
👀 2. Review relevant warm intro opportunities (emailed straight to your inbox).
💰 3. Opt into warm intros that you can make. Make intros to your professional network over email. Get paid for each intro that turns into a call.

Let's start with your personal details.

We will send paid intro opportunities to your personal email.

Where do you work?

Who is in your network?

Who is in your network?

What country do you live in?

Where is the majority of you network based out of?

Where is the majority of you network based out of?

What is the minimum intro payment that you would like to be contacted about?

The higher your minimum payment the fewer intro opportunities you will receive.

How did you hear about us?