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EnviroKIDs Camp Application for Teen
Entrepreneurs and Green Business Summer 2024

The enviroKIDs Summer Camp is a four-week urban forestry and environmental design camp that engages local under-served youth in socioeconomically disadvantaged neighborhoods. The camp details are as follows:

- Age group: 13-18 years old
- Focus: Using Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) to study the local environment
- This summer's project: Conducting a detailed study on establishing and marketing a sustainable green business (Coffeehouse)
- Camp administration: The Institute of Landscape, Art and Sustainable Spaces (ILASS), a 501c3 non-profit Sustainable Design Center, in collaboration with the USDA
- Duration: July 8, 2024, to August 3, 2024
- Camp hours: 7am – 2pm
- Training: Campers are trained to work, manage, or own their green business
- Compensation: Campers will be paid for working at a green business, as the camp is conducted like a green job
- Application: Can be completed online at

Camper's Name

Camper's Signature


Camper's Age

Grade Level

School Attending

Camper's Major

Camper's Home Address

Contact Phone Number


Parent's Name (Print)

Parents Signature


Camper T-Shirt Size

Untitled multiple choice field

*Camper, state why you want to be an enviroKIDs Summer Camper in no less than 50 words?

This is a youth paid camp and transportation is not provided. The Campers will be in training and
paid to attend the camp.
Email Application To: [email protected] or drop application off in mailbox at 2224 Sunnybrook Road, Raleigh, NC 27610. For More Information Contact: Yasmin
Fozard at (919) 806-7560.