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Tool Submission Form

Let's start with your personal details

Tell us about the tool you're submitting

What should the page url on this directory be?

e.g. "Architecture Helper" as "architecture-helper"

Please provide a short description of the tool (1/2-1 sentence)

Share some details about the tool & what it does (1-2 paragraphs recommended)

Help us focus your potential users on the tool

Note: Tools that blanket or misapply "True" will not be listed

Add your tool's category tags, separated by a ; and s space e.g. residential; financing; mapping

This tool is for RE Development

This tool is for RE Construction

This tool is related to Law & Municipalities

This tool is related for Search & Site Selection

This tool is related for Financing & Evaluating

This tool is related for Customer Outreach & Management

This tool is an AI tool

This tool is a tool specifically for Residential real estate

This tool is a tool specifically for Commercial real estate

Thank you for your submission!

Are you interested in featuring this tool to boost its visibility?