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Financial Aid Application
I am filing this application for
I am filing this application for
My Child
Name of Student
Student's Birthdate
Name of Applicant (if different from Student)
Please provide the following information for each adult member of your household. If not currently employed, write "None" for Current Employer.
Current Employer
Annual Income
Name of Second Adult (if applicable)
Current Employer
Annual Income
If your household has any other sources of income please describe them and provide their annual amounts.
Optional: Please describe any special circumstances that limit your ability to pay for music instruction.
How many people, in total, live in your household?
How many of the people in your household are under 18?
How much of the regular music instruction fee are you able to pay?
As evidence of our household income, I am uploading one of the following documents
As evidence of our household income, I am uploading one of the following documents
First page of most recent federal tax return Form 1040
I do not have a Form 1040, so I am providing a recent pay stub.
Evidence of unemployment
If you checked "Other" in the previous question, please describe what you are providing.
Please attach evidence of your household income here.
Click to choose a file or drag here
Size limit: 10 MB
Optional: I am attaching a letter of reference from a music teacher or other evidence of musical interest and ability.
Click to choose a file or drag here
Size limit: 10 MB