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Join the team

Help us get to know you a little more! 🥳 Answer the following questions only if you will be able to set aside a minimum of 2 hrs/week to help with the volunteering efforts!

Tell us your First name

Hi, ! Tell us your last name

Help us with either your phone number/email ID for us to contact you after you submit this form

Help us with your Linkedin profile url (if applicable)

Help us with your Twitter handle (if applicable)

Help us with the link to your personal website or portfolio (if applicable)

We are stoked that you decided to join the volunteer team! Tell us about what made you decide to volunteer for the community!

How many hours can you set aside for community work per week?

How many hours can you set aside for community work per week?

Last question! , Is there a specific volunteer team or area that you want to help in?

There are various initiatives, teams and areas where volunteers of the community help out in. If you are aware of a specific team or area, feel free to mention it! If you are not aware of it, its all cool, just type 'any'
"I've filled the form, what's next?" you ask? A volunteer from the team is going to review your details and reach out to you soon to have a chat with you.