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Thank you for hosting!

I feel so lucky to have supporters like you! The Food Section's independent journalism wouldn't be possible without readers who care about the American South, and the quality of food coverage produced here. It means so much that you took the time to connect us with just such people.
If you don't mind giving up just a little bit more of your time, we'd love to learn more about how the event went for you, and what we can do to improve the experience for future hosts. Appreciate it!


Why did you decide to host an event for TFS?

Did TFS provide adequate support leading up to the event?

Did TFS provide adequate support leading up to the event?

How did you publicize the event?

About how many people did you personally invite to the event?

About how many people saw your social media posts about the event?


Did TFS provide adequate support on the day of the event?

Did TFS provide adequate support on the day of the event?

If you didn't already share the event sign-in sheets with TFS, you can upload them here.

If you didn't already share event photos with TFS, you can upload them here.

In your estimation, what did attendees like best about the event? (You can move the responses up and down until they're in the right order.)

In your estimation, what did attendees like best about the event? (You can move the responses up and down until they're in the right order.)


In retrospect, is there anything you would have done differently?

If a friend wanted to host a TFS event, would you recommend doing so?

If a friend wanted to host a TFS event, would you recommend doing so?
No wayWith pleasure!

How would you rate your event hosting experience?

How would you rate your event hosting experience?

Anything else you'd like us to know?