Monad Madness is a pitch competition for ambitious builders from around the world! Submit the form below to have a shot at $1mm in prizes, up to $60mm in earmarked potential investment from top-tier VCs, and tailored support from the Monad Ecosystem team.
Teams will be selected to attend the pitch competition in Seoul, vying for a shot at accelerating their journey as an early-stage startup.
Who is eligible to apply?
Are you building a novel EVM app? Is your team gearing up for an upcoming raise? Do you have a demo to show?
If Yes, then Monad Madness is for you!
The Monad Madness pitch competition is specially designed for venture-ready EVM teams. This means having a polished pitch deck, a demo environment to showcase, a team to execute on your vision, and (most importantly) a compelling and novel application.
What time commitment is expected?
Monad Madness is an IRL event spanning three consecutive days in Seoul, Korea. (Dec 6-8) Competition participants are expected to be present for an in-person pitch to investors and a live audience.
When does the application window close?
Submissions close on October 25th, 2024 at 11:59 KST (GMT+9).
I’ve submitted the application. What are next steps?
Hang tight! Your application will be reviewed.
If selected as a participant, you will be notified via the specified point of contact denoted in the application form.
You will be able to make changes to your pitch prior to the presentation day if you are selected to compete.
Please ensure that your pitch video is less than 5 minutes long.
If you have additional collateral, please add them to a shared Google Drive and include the link in 'Other'.