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Mari Combinator Application

Are you a Marianopolis student with an entrepreneurial drive? The Mari Combinator is your launchpad to turn your projects into reality. We offer mentorship and resources to help you grow your projects, whether it's an early-stage business or an IRL event.
Not sure? check out our projects:

How does it work?
At the forefront, we are a community of people who are building. We also offer tangible, applicable resources to operate and grow your businesses. Finally, we want to connect every project with a mentor.

Your info

You can add your partners later

Explain your project briefly

Do you have any traction?

It's ok if you don't, it's our job to help you get traction ;) This is just so we can understand your project and help you better
Thank you for your interest! We will get back to you asap 🏃‍♂️
In the meantime, check out our website ( and @maricombinator