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buildX is a 6-week online program designed to help you make extraordinary progress on your ideas. from march 11 to april 25

If you have big ambitions, a bias for action, and want to move fast, buildX is for you. no matter what you're building, we welcome creators of all kinds from app developers to artists, researchers to YouTubers. applications officially closes on march 10

full name


instagram/x/linkedin (only 1 is enough)

tell us about yourself, what is your idea/product?

do you have a cofounder?

do you have a cofounder?

why do you wanna join buildX?

how did you hear about buildX?

can we send you emails about our events + programs

can we send you emails about our events + programs

choose your house

*This program is being implemented within the framework of Accelerate Prosperity initiatives with the support of the UK Inclusive Green Development Program in Central Asia, co-financed by the UK Government and the Aga Khan Foundation