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Nefture Security Feedback

Hey there! Thanks for using Nefture Security. We're really pumped! 🥳
We'd love to get to know you better so we can double down on the features you're most looking forward to using. This will only take 5 minutes of your time!
We're happy to help you in any way so don't hold back with the questions. 🙂

What is your twitter username?

What is your email address?

Where did you first hear about Nefture Security?

Where did you first hear about Nefture Security?

Why did you choose to use Nefture Security?

What questions did you have before you used Nefture Security?

What objections did you have before using it? How were those objections overcome?

What inspired you to look for the tool?

What do you think makes Nefture Security unique?

How do you think Nefture Security will help the future you?

What other tools do you plan to use along with Nefture Security?

Any other questions, feedback, feature requests?

Want to ask your questions to us? You can book a 20-min slot with our cofounder Wafae here!

Thanks for patiently answering all our questions. I'll keep in touch. :)