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Bringin onboarding form

Web3 products need to simplify the onboarding experience to increase adoption, and we're working on it together! 🔭 Vision: Connect top minds who care about web3 adoption to grow and enable the next billion people into web3. 🚀 Mission: Bringin is a community of founders, buidlers, degens and enthus in web3 working together to grow web3 adoption by simplifying UX and making web3 products more convenient. Members exchange insights and work together to create product leadership and educational tools to increase web3 adoption. We’re accepting applicants to join our token gated community! Apply below 👇

Which of the following best describes you?

Which of the following best describes you?
What's your email?
We'll use this information to invite you to the community.
What organizations are you in?
Community(s) / Company(s)
How did you hear about us?
Why does web3 matter to you?
Anything else you'd like us to know