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Get Involved with UX Designathon
Join our UX-focused non-profit community to grow the next generation of UX talent. We offer UX hackathons, workshops, talks all for free to give back to the UX community.
How would you like to get involved with UX Designathon?
How would you like to get involved with UX Designathon?
Sponsor / Partner: Offer prizes, sponsor-themed challenges, scholarships, resource discounts, tools, operational funds etc.
Hiring Partner: Looking to hire UX talent
Speaker: Lead a UX workshop or join a panel discussion as a guest speaker
Mentor: Give aspiring and junior UX designers career guidance and feedback on their work
Volunteer: Help UX Designathon with organizing hackathons, event coordination, social media, branding, web design etc.
Other: judge future UX hackathons, donate, or any other ways you'd like to contribute
Tell us how we can best support you so we can have a win-win collaboration (Optional).
Your Information
Where are you based?
Please book a 30 min call with Miya(Founder of UX Designathon) to discuss how we can collaborate!
Please confirm that you've booked a meeting.
Please confirm that you've booked a meeting.
No, I couldn't find a time that works for me