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Walking An Application

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In this room you will learn how to manually review a web application for security issues using only the in-built tools in your browser. More often than not, automated security tools and scripts will miss many potential vulnerabilities and useful information.
Here is a short breakdown of the in-built browser tools you will use throughout this room:
View Source - Use your browser to view the human-readable source code of a website.
Inspector - Learn how to inspect page elements and make changes to view usually blocked content.
Debugger - Inspect and control the flow of a page's JavaScript Network - See all the network requests a page makes.
Network - See all the network requests a page makes.
As a penetration tester, your role when reviewing a website or web application is to discover features that could potentially be vulnerable and attempt to exploit them to assess whether or not they are.
These features are usually parts of the website that require some interactivity with the user. Finding interactive portions of the website can be as easy as spotting a login form to manually reviewing the website's JavaScript. An excellent place to start is just with your browser exploring the website and noting down the individual pages/areas/features with a summary for each one.