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Merkl: Token whitelisting

Before we whitelist a token to be used as an incentive token on Merkl, we need some information to make sure that we’ll be able to properly compute APRs, and that it’ll be safe for our users.

What is your protocol / DAO / company name?

Specify the chain(s) on which you want the token whitelisted

What is the token address (checksummed)?

If you've specified multiple chains above, please specify the chain associated to each address in parenthesis

What is the token name?

What is the Coingecko page of the token?

What is your Telegram handle so we can let you know when your token is whitelisted?

Please share a SVG of the logo of your token

For a token logo to appear well on Merkl, we need you to open a pull request on the Angle Token List repository on Github with information related to the token.

Please follow the instructions on the repository.
You will need to submit a svg logo for the token you want to whitelist.