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FREE Root & Rise Accelerator Session with Nathan

1️⃣ Complete this form as honestly as you can to receive maximum value in our session. 2️⃣ Tap 'Book Your Root Rise Session' to go to my calendar. 3️⃣ Book your session!

Your Info

First Name

Last Name


Instagram Profile

Just type your username after the link (no @)

In your own words, what is your biggest challenge right now?

What is the thing that having support with would make the biggest positive difference in your life right now?

How long have you had this challenge for?

How long have you had this challenge for?

What area(s) of your life does it effect?

Select all that apply
What area(s) of your life does it effect?

How clear are you on your life purpose?

How clear are you on your life purpose?
😕 Definitely NOTNot sure 🤷‍♂️✨ Can speak it in one sentence!

What's blocking you from overcoming your big challenge(s)?

Select all that apply or choose 'other' to add your own
What's blocking you from overcoming your big challenge(s)?

What might your life look like if you DO overcome your challenge(s)?

Type 'YES'' in the box below if you are ready to take the next step

This confirms you'll be present, in a quiet place, and ready for our call on time