We are building a platform that is aimed at helping the World Eat Well. We believe that what a person puts in their body has the biggest impact on their health and if the whole world ate well, there are huge potential benefits in healthcare, well being and the environment.
Getting people to Eat Well however can cause significant tension among friends & family and many will have their own ideas on what is the best food choices. Nutritional information can often be interpreted in different ways and conflicting results are shown in media, in part due to misleading advertising and at times headlines give only a small insight into the scientific results.
So...what do we do? Continue to listen to statistics about the level of obesity rising, watch the increase of diabetes to almost pandemic levels or just take for granted that hyper tension and heart disease will always be the largest cause of death in the western world, even though they are all proven to be preventable with a good diet. Or do we do something about it, one meal at a time?