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One Person Unicorn

What we are about

One Person Unicorn is a community of solo-founders or single-person businesses (or business owners). This community is a group of people who do it all. We share resources, discounts and helpful resources with this group of dedicated entrepreneurs. We collaborate on feedback.
This is the community for you if:
- You're someone who's going at building a business by yourself
- You're someone who's serious about your business and this isn't just a hobby
- You are building anything (SaaS, AI Infra, AI tooling, No-Code, Digital Agencies)
- You like founder memes (we get it - sometimes sh*t happens and we don't want it to feel like the end of the world)
If this sounds like you, you'll feel right at home and we'd love for you to join.
Joining us, you will get: - Tips on running your business - Specific recommendations for scaling and working through things for solo founders - Discounts and services - Networking opportunities - A community of like-minded individuals to bounce ideas and strategies
But sign up forms close Feb 15th 2023 - afterwards this will be a closed community for early adopters so be sure to sign up today so you don't miss out.
What is your name?

What business do you run/running?


Please describe the business in a few sentences.

E.g. i run a one-man digital agency for design called DesignJoy.

Is there any particular thing you're looking for in this group?

Discounts, tips, emotional support, advice, mentorship, daily accountability, networking

Is there any particular thing you can offer? (Optional)

We like our members to share their expertise - whether you've spent the past 1 year running ads for $1m or can weigh in and give AI advice. This helps us better understand the demographic of our community