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RR Mastermind Group Application for September platform launch :)

Thanks for taking the time to fill out this application! I really appreciate your time and valuable insights.

To make the process as smooth as possible, I've put together this 11-question survey that should take around 15 minutes to complete. Whatever you share will directly influence my business as I make the RR Mastermind group even better. :)

The very best way to approach this survey is as a space for your thoughts. There’s no such thing as a wrong answer, and the less edited your responses are, the more helpful they’ll be.

Sound good? Let's dive in.


Your name

What type of business do you have?

What type of business do you have?

How long have you been the owner of your current rehab business?

What is your yearly rehab business income?

What is the size of your team regardless of their full-time, part-time, contractor, etc status?

What is your business website?

What aspect of your business are you most looking for support on?

What have you already tried to address this area mentioned above?

What are you hoping to get out of this mastermind group?

What aspects of your business do you feel are strong?

What aspects of your business do you feel are lacking?

Is there anything else you would like to add?

For every applicant, I will send a follow up email regarding the status of your application.
For selected members, I will reach out to set up a greeting call for us to get to know a little more about each other and follow up with any questions either of us may have :)
Start date will be first week of September 2024 with group voting on day and time of week.
Thanks again for taking the time to fill this out!